google has launch what is called mobilegeddon

MOBILEGEDDOB-300x225-createmymobilwebsiteApril 21st is the day, Google has launch what is called mobilegeddon . #Mobilegeddon is Here!

Brands’ online traffic is expected to suffer from today (April 21) as “significant” changes to Google’s algorithm come into effect, bumping up mobile-friendly websites – as ‘mobile-first’ truly takes root.

The move marks the biggest shake-up to the search engine since Panda and Penguin. Google will boost sites that display well on mobile and downgrade those that don’t.

Goole judged sites according to quality and linking practices.

Nick Fettiplace, SEO expert at Jellyfish, warned: “Advertisers whose websites do not cater for mobile may start to see fluctuations in their organic performance as soon as April 21st, when the roll-out of the new algorithm begins.”

Google has built an online test for brands and publishers to check whether their sites qualify as mobile-friendly.

Major brands including Argos, Tesco, Aldi, Morrisons (and .rising) all pass, while Marks and Spencer failed.

According to Google, half of all searches globally come from mobile – yet many brands have failed to keep up with the shift in consumer behaviour.