Making Your Visitors Feel Welcome – 6 Ways : Preparing Your Website for the Holidays is Just Like Planning a Party

Number Five: Making Your Visitors Feel Welcome

Creating Personalized Website Experiences

create my mobile website - Making Your Visitors Feel Welcome

Adorning a home or store with a cornucopia around Thanksgiving or some tinsel for Christmas, is a time-honored tradition. But what about your digital storefront? Doesn’t that deserve to be made a little more festive too? Well, inSite is the perfect tool for making that happen.

There are a variety of special effects that you can easily add to your website in just a few clicks, like December snow or fireworks for New Year’s. Simply schedule them to display when you want to add a little bit of extra surprise and delight to your visitors’ website experience. But there’s more to inSite than just adding some festive flare.

Website personalization tools, are fast becoming a marketer’s best friend. By changing the content of your website based on triggers such as time, visitor location, number of previous visits, and more, you can create a hyper- relevant experience for site visitors.

It should come as no surprise that the more relevant and personalized an experience, the more likely a visitor is to become a customer. Everybody loves a personal touch.

Here are a few key stats you should know about website personalization:

  • Businesses that leverage personalized content on their website average a 19 percent increase in sales (Econsultancy 2013)
  • Personalized CTAs resulted in a 42 percent higher conversion rate than generic CTAs (HubSpot 2013)
  • 94 percent of in-house marketers agree that website personalization is critical to current and future success (Econsultancy 2013)

inSite is an incredibly flexible tool, so really the only limit on what you can do with the various triggers and actions is your own imagination.

Would a welcome video for first-time visitors with a happy holidays message help you connect with customers? What about scheduling different promotions to run on the site throughout Black Friday Weekend? If you want to run a special campaign for the holidays, you can use the Campaign URL trigger to display content on your website that directly reflects what you’re trying to promote.

No matter what you come up with, inSite makes an outstanding way to promote special offers and deliver an unparalleled website experience.

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