Yearly Archives: 2016

Instagram is expanding its shopping features, making ecommerce easier on its platform. How will brands benefit from it? Mobiles have already changed our shopping habits and as we spend more time on our devices, it will keep challenging brands how to take advantage of this increasing number of mobile consumers. […]

Instagram launched new shopping feature. Do you Know This?

Election 2016 is over and Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump claimed the presidency in a victory that most pollsters didn’t see coming and that some are calling the greatest upset ever in American politics.  While political analysts will no doubt spend the coming days, weeks and months trying to understand in precise terms […]

First earning Media President is Donald Trump

Sponsored content in collaboration with EditorEye. Lead generation or any other Views expressed in this article are those of the interviewee and do not necessarily reflect CreateMyMobileWebsite’s opinions. Generating and nurturing leads is the bread and butter of marketing, bringing new prospective customers into the business to make sales.  Having a good […]

Four quick and easy tips to improve your lead generation ...

Last week, the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) announced sweeping new privacy rules that restrict how internet service providers (ISPs) can use and share the data they collect from their customers.  The rules require that ISPs obtain customer consent before they are permitted to use and share their “sensitive” data for purposes such […]

The ad industry lashes out at new FCC privacy rules

It might seem that most of those event are to help organize a toddler’s birthday party, an end-of-semester kegger, or a casual retirement party, but that doesn’t mean Facebook Event aren’t useful for marketers as well. A Facebook event can help broaden reach for your in-person events, which B2B marketers […]

10 Ways to Make Facebook Your Most Powerful Event-Promotion Tool

We’ve written an awful lot about Google’s open source accelerated mobile pages project (better know as Google AMP) over that last 12 months. AMPs implications are far reaching, for marketers, for publishers  (big and small) and for ecommerce. Implementing faster mobile web pages mainly benefits users, who are increasingly frustrated with […]

Accelerated Mobile Pages (Google AMP): one year stats (and infographic)

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What tools do you have in your toolkit to help you find leads? LinkedIn, Twitter,Facebook, an email subscription list, etc.? All of these are great, but wouldn’t it be good to automate the process, and bring in more targets? Of course it would! Basic tips to increase leads Before investing […]

10 best tools for generating super-hot leads for your business

After a couple of years waiting, and various algorithm fluctuations described as ‘normal turbulence’, Google has finally confirmed today that it’s Penguin algorithm update is rolling out in all languages. The last update in 2014 – Penguin 3.0 – may have only affected less than 1% of US/UK searches, but that ultimately translates to […]

Finally Google Penguin 4.0 is now confirmed

I’ve often looked at bounce rates and associated metrics as a way to measure the general stickiness and appeal of a website. In my case, this has normally been blogs and publishers’ sites, but the principle applies generally.  Here are several suggestions for ways to keep visitors from leaving your […]

Reduce Your Website Bounce Rates With These 14 Ways

Google Analytics V Adobe Analytics? As a recruiter working in the “Digital Analytics” space one of the questions that pop up the most in relation to “Web Analytics” is: ‘Google Analytics or Adobe Analytics?’ from what I gather each has its strengths and drawbacks so I thought I would jot […]

Which one is better Google Analytics or Adobe Analytics?

Google Analytics comes with lots of standard reports and settings, but with a little customisation you can extract much more value.  One way is to create custom reports, dashboards, and segments to interrogate your data in various different ways. In this post I’ll demonstrate how to create a custom segment, for the analytics […]

How to create your own segments in Google Analytics

Popups Ad Google Punishment
Google today announced two major changes related to its mobile search results. The one you’ll probably notice first is that Google is removing the “mobile-friendly” label that highlighted pages that were easy to read on mobile from its mobile search results pages.  In the long run, though, the second change […]

Google announces that mobile sites with hard-to-dismiss popups are punishable

If you’re just starting out with a business, or looking for tools to help you grow, there is a huge array of digital marketing tools, platforms and services available online. But if you have a small budget to work with or you aren’t sure which are the right tools for […]

Grow your business with these 40 free digital marketing tools