Automated Webinar & Sales Platform

100% Automated Webinar
With Autonar, There is no dull moment. Everything is Automated. Upload your webinar YouTube link OR mp4 file then you are set.
System will automatically show your attendees webinar, share data, give you tracking & even sell your products for you! It’s THAT simple!
1 Click Signup Page
With 1 click you can generate a UNIQUE signup page that’s compatible on all devices.
Signup pages are customizable by adding tracking codes, images , this & that. We got you covered.
Remember, You can have UNLIMITED Attendees watch your webinar anytime
CAll To Action Buttons
Easily add any Call To Action Buttons To enable Webinar watchers to take action.
You will also be able to see if any of the attendees clicked the button.
Lead Generation Fire 
The platform will help you collect & Export leads. You can get Segmented leads directly based on the Webinar & Presentation.
Tracking & Verifications
We understand how important tracking views, email verification, buy clicks is. So we included all of it in this platform.
These vital information will help you take better decisions.

Instant Email & Tracking
We will send your leads/attendees a copy of the webinar on their email with your information, so they can watch it later as well.
Many times, people watch webinar but forget how to get back to the buy buttons or to rewatch it before they make their purchase decision. This solves that problem Instantly.

Ads / FB Pixes Tracking/
We have built an Webinar WIDE Ad settings, where you can put in your ad banners, top & bottom. Or FB Pixel codes, Timer Codes.
Google Analytics etc.
This is meant to help you LEVERAGE your traffic into converting them into customer better.